luxetiquetteDRESS CODE IN THE OFFICE Contemporary approach to Business Etiquette including dress code requirements is evolving with a day. The world is not frozen. Rules are...
luxetiquetteVISUAL APPEALEye contact is important when we communicate with people and build trustworthy relationships. Shoe contact also matters. The cleverest...
luxetiquetteLOOKING PROFESSIONALEtiquette prompts you how to choose clothes to reach your goal. It teaches you the rules – things you have to do and mustn’t do. At the...
luxetiquetteONLINE NETWORKINGLife is a chain of meetings. The modern way of meeting people is ONLINE NETWORKING. People come along in our life for some reason. Turn...
luxetiquetteNETWORKING - THE ART OF COMMUNICATIONEtiquette is a tool for you to feel CONFIDENT in any social or professional situation. Etiquette is telling you HOW. And if you know how,...