Nowadays more and more our experience of living is mediated… by screens. Human communication is becoming a luxury good. The richer you are, the more you spend to be offscreen. How comfortable you are with human engagement could become a new class marker. Avoiding screens is becoming a symbol of status.
Our greetings to everyone!
The value of personal communication is hard to overestimate. It is natural for a human being to interact socially, experience feelings, investigate the world together. We’ve built rules to make our communication comfortable and called it ETIQUETTE. It is important for a child to see parents’ reaction to his/her growth. It is precious for a person to love and be loved. It’s just great to be together and enjoy the moment.
However, nowadays more and more our experience of living is mediated… by screens. Since the 1980s, having technology had been a sign of wealth and power. Pagers were important to have because like that you demonstrated that you were an important, busy person. To buy the newest gadgets and show them off made sense of life. Parents worried that rich students would have access to the internet earlier, gaining tech skills and creating a digital divide.
The internet revolution discovered democratic nature of technology. The digital divide was about access to online resources and now everyone had it. We became equal. Facebook is the same Facebook whether you are rich or poor. It’s only lately when we started realizing that in the race for technology we have been losing something very important. The new reality is that human contact has become rare.
Scientists warn that screen exposure starts young. Children who spent more than two hours a day looking at a screen got lower scores on thinking and language tests In adults, one study found an association between screen time and depression.
Caring parents increasingly panic over the impact screens have on their children and move toward screen-free lifestyles. They do not want their kids to be raised by screens. They are going back to wooden toys. Time on screens is seen as unhealthy. Tech-free back-to-nature education is booming. Human communication is becoming a luxury good. The richer you are, the more you spend to be offscreen. How comfortable you are with human engagement could become a new class marker. This is a swift of mentality. What we are seeing now is the luxurification of human interaction.
Luxury of being disconnected. Living without a phone for a day, quitting social networks and not answering email, avoiding screens is becoming a symbol of status. The digital divide was about access to technology, and now that everyone has access, the new digital divide is limiting it as much as reasonably possible.
We at the LSCE preach the personal communicative approach in everything we do. We have developed a special Etiquette for Families program in a format of a Sunday brunch so that you have pleasant time together sharing information and getting unique communication experience. No screen, please😉
Come and join us - Invest in yourself!