The higher your position in society, the less freethinking and liberties you can afford. Relatively, the only way to speak out is by means of choosing your wardrobe and accessories. It’s not about image making any longer – it’s about protocol, conventions and traditions.
Our greetings to everyone!
The higher your position in society, the less freethinking and liberties you can afford. Relatively, the only way to speak out is by means of choosing your wardrobe and accessories. It’s not about image making any longer – it’s about protocol, conventions and traditions.
Recent history gives us a lot of examples.
Jackie Kennedy Onassis – the first lady of the United States - believed that true wealth is the beauty of your soul. Despite the fact that her husband constantly gave her jewelry, and guests of the White House loved to give the wife of the president exclusive gifts made by famous designers, she rarely wore them motivating it by the fact that public people should not brag about their wealth. Whatever she chose, whatever she wore, it seemed to be an integral part of her image - refined, elegant and always consistent. ''Pearls are always appropriate'', - she said. Triple-Strand Pearl Necklace was her favorite.
Madeleine Albright - one of the world’s top diplomats, former U.S. Secretary of State - is famous for her brooch diplomacy. She communicated her mood and intentions through her accessories. All her brooches came with a message. “…Secretary Albright used pins as a communication device to send messages to people, to give clues as to what she was thinking, what she was doing, what she hoped the outcome might be for some of her negotiations”, - McFadden told.
Her Majesty the Queen on the first day of President Trump’s visit wore a simple green brooch that was given to her by the Obamas to signify their friendship. On the second day, she wore a brooch given to her by Canada, a country with which Trump is less than pleased at the moment (also, it was in the shape of a snowflake, a classic Trump term for people who disagree with him.) And, for the last day, she chose a brooch the Queen Mother wore to the funeral of King George VI, so not one associated with happiness and joy. (according to The Guardian). They say, like that the Queen sent coded messages using her outfits.
In business as well as in diplomacy there are no insignificant details. How to communicate your ideas? What to wear to a business dinner? When to start discussing business if you are invited to a business lunch? What tells you that the meeting is over? How to uncode messages that are hidden behind the outfit? These are the topics of discussion at out workshops and trainings.
PS: According to Cambridge Dictionary:
Image is the way that something or someone is thought of by other people
Protocol is the system of rules and acceptable behaviour used at official ceremonies and occasions.
PPS: What tricks do you use to send messages?
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